Call or Text: (207) 446-0993
Augusta, Maine Part of the Kennebec River Churches Cooperative Parish
We've moved! Worship with us 9am Sundays in the Chapel at
Call or Text: (207) 446-0993
We've moved! Worship with us 9am Sundays in the Chapel at
Avery & Marsh, We Are the Church
You are welcome in worship, spirit building activities, and community outreach. Green Street UMC is a church on the move. We sold our building on Green Street and continue on our Future Pathway into renewed ministry focus in a new location.
Our worship, outreach, music, and fellowship ministries are active and open to newcomers. Call, text, or email to learn more!
Sundays at 9:00am in the Chapel at 9 Church Street, Augusta, Maine.
Informal worship, a variety of hymns and music, scriptures and reflection, lots of laughter and sharing prayers if you wish.
Green Street United Methodist Church continues to serve God with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness despite having sold our building at 13 Green Street. We are grateful to the members of South Parish Congregational UCC for the use of their chapel space at 9 Church Street, Augusta, Maine. Use the accessible entrance by the flagpole between the parish house and the main sanctuary and head straight down the hall. The Chapel is on the left.
We look forward to seeing you!
Because of our building sale, the Upper Room Clothes Closet has closed. We are grateful to have been able to serve you and look forward to the day when we might again be able to provide such a ministry.
Alternative providers might include Goodwill on Western Ave. and Addie's Attic on Eastern Ave., both in Augusta, Maine.
Green Street makes Prayer Squares and Prayer Shawls to share with visitors, to comfort hospitalized friends, to offer to those looking for a piece of hope to hold onto, and even to give out in airports. While knitting Prayer Squares and Prayer Shawls, our Prayer Shawl Ministry Team prays for the persons who will ultimately receive them. Squares are knitted in a rainbow of colors and each one has a cross in the middle.
If you would like to receive one, or know someone who would, Call, text, or email us!
The United Methodist Church (UMC) is a worldwide connection of approximately 10 million members in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the United States. Green Street UMC is a local congregation in this much larger expression of Christ's love—the person next door, the church on the other side of the country, and the worshiping community across the globe.
Together, we share a legacy of living as disciples of Jesus Christ, sharing God's love both in what we say and how we serve our neighbors.
Music ministry teams includes a hand bell choir and a vocal choir. If you enjoy diverse styles of music, and want to celebrate musically with a faith community, join us for a rehearsal!
The United Methodist Economic Ministry in Western Maine (UMEM) provides vital services and support to neighbors on the margins.
Since its inception nearly 50 years ago, UMEM has continued to provide first-step support the residents of western Maine to promote self-sufficiency as a means to break the cycle of poverty. The core of their services continues to be their Food Cupboards, Thrift Shops, and Summer Mission Teams. UMEM strives to create healthy, sustainable communities through respect for and day-to-day connection with the people they serve!
Rev. Angela Rotherham graduated with honors from Mount Holyoke College in 1998. Since 1999 she has chosen to live and work in Maine performing a wide variety of jobs before answering her call to ministry. She received a Master of Divinity from Bangor Theological Seminary in 2011. She served one year as a student pastor at the Hampden Highlands UMC, served the Orono UMC for a year as their Sunday School Superintendent, started her first appointment as a Local Pastor in 2010 at Corinna UMC, was commissioned and appointed to Peaks Island from 2012-2019, and was serving the Wayne Community Church when called to Green Street and the River Churches Cooperative Parish. Her husband Dan, is from England and is a driver and warehouse worker for a car-part distribution company. They have two cats, Penny & Jinx, whom they adore as their fur babies.
Pastor Angela writes “I am excited about this appointment to the River Churches Cooperative Parish because it has the potential of helping us all return to our Methodist roots. At one time, the local church belonged to the community and the people who lived there; a pillar in the community that everyone knew they could lean on when times were tough and a place to celebrate life’s precious milestones. Together we will get to define what it means to flourish, to have vital and healthy ministries, and to connect with a vision of being part of Christ’s ONE body.”
Pastor Mauren Julião is from Brazil, where she served the Methodist Church for more than 20 years as a pastor’s wife and lay member of the church, six of them as a local pastor. She had a missionary experience in the Brazilian Amazon, where she helped plant a church and worked training members and evangelists. Teaching is an emphasis in her ministry, and she has produced biblical studies for adults and young adults within the National Sunday School Department in Brazil for six years. Writing is one of her passions. She also loves to listen to people, pray, and work with discipleship. In the U.S. she has been serving Brazilian communities as a lay member and pastor’s wife, working with women’s ministry, training, and food pantries coordination. Her husband, Reverend Marcos Antonio Julião is an Elder from the United Methodist Church in Brazil. He is serving as the pastor at Wayne Community UMC.
Pastors Angela and Mauren both serve Green Street and the whole Kennebec River Churches Cooperative Parish, which also includes Cox Memorial UMC in Hallowell, Highland Avenue UMC in Gardiner, Randolph UMC in Randolph, East Pittston UMC in Pittston, and Dresden–Richmond UMC in Richmond.
The River Churches: Committed to Creating Currents of Connection to Build a More Loving Community.
Thank you for partnering with us in love and transformation. Your generous donations support the ministries of Green Street.
An alternate way to give is to download and print the ACH Authorization Form to have your donation withdrawn from your bank account automatically. Complete the form and mail it to the address shown at the bottom of the form.
We love our neighbors, so feel free to visit for worship or during office hours.
9 Church Street, Augusta, Maine 04330
Call or Text: (207) 446-0993
Open today | 09:00 am – 01:00 pm |
Worship with us at 9am on Sundays!
Green Street United Methodist Church
9 Church Street, Augusta, Maine 04330
Call or Text: (207) 446-0993
To connect on Zoom, use code 302025.
Copyright © Green Street UMC
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